Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas in E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical Dilemmas in E-Business - Essay Example It's both interactive and unique in terms of providing immediate response and elicits reaction. Internet marketing has a wider coverage of clients since it encompasses digital media which has become very popular over the years i.e. email services, the internet, and wireless media. The aspects which internet capitalizes on are creative and technical support the internet offers including selling, adverts, developing websites, and the design. In Arab culture Business Ethics are described as a rule that regulate the socially acceptable means of performance and is usually resulted to when the other rules and regulations do not give a clear direction or guidance pertaining a certain situation or circumstance (Abdulla 2007). Those that deal with information security are expected to know and observe the laws and regulations that govern the use of computers and handling of information to the latter. The Certified Information Security System Professional (CISSP) is one such body that educates the information security professionals on such requirements (Warholic 2008). These responsibilities are essential to establishing confidence in the information security profession that motivate mutual respect from management and other stake holders; this encourages job performance to the fullest The cuThe current business world has invested so much in to communications and technology leading to so many people and businesses doing their business on the internet, commonly referred to as online trading. This has actually come with a lot of advantages as the clients reached are many and the business can make great sales. When a business operates online as in ebusiness or ecommerce, it has to keep the customers pin numbers to their credits because the common means of payment when doing business online is by use of credit cards (Petrovic et al 2001). This personal information provided on the internet is the major cause of insecurity and also elicits questions about authenticity of the businesses. In the Arabian countries and Middle East region where the Arab culture is strictly observed, technology has been inevitable and many people started using internet over the past 15 years. The people there are very preservative and do not expose their private information to the public very easily. The problem comes when some of the businesses are not careful with the client's private information leaking it to other people as in third parties or getting hacked and the information lost. Some have strict norms that do not even allow social interactions hence privacy concerns that are usually associated with the ecommerce (Warholic 2008). Some people have had to change their pin number several times within short lapses of time due to cyber crimes or careless leaking of information by the company in question. The consumer privacy is the major concern in this aspect and any business that has an intention of doing ebusiness should assure clients of their safety (Jelassi & Enders 2005). Whether the personal information of clients will be hacked or leaked, this is still unfair treatment to clients and business should try to protect their businesses from being hacked. Being safe is very critical for any company to develop and grow in terms

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Three things that happened in my life Essay Example for Free

Three things that happened in my life Essay What is that challenge? How is work? Is that something I can stay home and it will come over to me? Is that something I can befit because my parents have it? My explanation about challenge could be different but I think it will work. Challenge is always people dreams but most do not complete it Challenge is your dream, is something you want died for, you sacrifice our life for You believe in, you spend all your time for, you borrow money for, you cut in your sleep for, and sometime you don’t sleep for, First is work! When you want, when you decide to sacrifice you life for it, and will see how work is. No is not something you can stay home and it will come to you, is something you go looking for, no matter how bad it is outside no matter how bad the whether is you wake up with it in you head and get out looking for it, no matter how hard everything is for you go looking for it. No challenge is not something you could be befit from any parents, our parents could be rich and gives you whatever you want, you still need to know you need challenge , our parents can give you most time they have doesn’t mean anything, you can have to put yourself out and looking for challenge just like I did. Remember challenge is go back to school, or if you already at school fit for it, spend all your time on it, always have an your mine why you wake up early for? Why would you go to school for? Why would you do anything jobs to survive? Why would you need to spend a lot of time in school for? Don’t forget how much money you loose if you spend four years in college, and could save that money and go to work making more money, always ask yourself why would you do that for, and keep going in school you will see it, you will understand it, you will satisfy it, you will love it, you will say this is how challenge work.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Syntactic Errors in Writing

Syntactic Errors in Writing Introduction When the British colonised the then Malaya, English was used in the colonial administration. English was the national language in Malaya and it was used as medium of instruction in English schools. When Malaya gained independence in 1957, the role of English as the official language dropped and Bahasa Melayu replaced English as the national language and medium of instruction in schools. In schools, English is considered as the second language. The official status of English in Peninsular Malaysia ceased after 31st August 1967, in Sabah was after September 1973 and in Sarawak was after September 1985. (Asmah Haji Omar, 2003) Even though English is the second language in Malaysia and it is still used in mostly urban areas, however, many people feel that the younger generations of Malaysians are not proficient in the language. There is a great difference in English proficiency among urban and rural school students even though they share the same syllabus. This might be because mother tongue and Bahasa Malaysia are widely used in the rural community compared to English. Problem Statement Many teachers and researchers found that many students in Malaysia have problems in writing syntactically correct English sentence. This might be because of their exposure to the language is lesser than the exposure to the national language, Bahasa Malaysia or is due to the influence of the mother tongue and Bahasa Malaysia. Saadiyah Darus and Khor (2009) investigated written English essays of Form 1 Chinese students in a school in Perak and they found that their subjects made numerous syntactic errors in their essays. Errors on tense made up of 121 of errors and subject verb agreement consists of 87 errors. Thus, they believed that the errors made by their subjects are due to the influence of their first language and also due to confusion on the English grammar rules because some rules in English do not exist in their mother tongue or first language. Saadiyah Darus and Kaladevi Subramaniam (2009) examined written English essays of Form 4 students in a school in Semenyih, Selangor and they found that the majority of their subjects made mistakes in singular/plural form followed by verb tense and others. They concluded that their subjects have problems acquiring normal grammatical rules in English. There are two objectives for this study. The first objective is to identify the common syntactic errors in compositions written by upper secondary- specifically Form four students. The second objective is to identify the reasons the subjects committed the errors. Analysis Twenty two essays on Sports injuries and its prevention were collected from 22 form four students from a secondary school in Petaling Jaya. There are 12 Malays, 3 Chinese and 7 Indian students in this class. These students are considered as of high or high intermediate proficiency. The students are all males and they are from the first class of the fourth form and they all came from national type school that uses Bahasa Malaysia as the main medium of instruction. The essays were then marked and analysed for the common errors the subjects committed. Type of Errors Number of Person Subject Verb Agreement 14 Tenses 13 Auxiliary 10 Singular/Plurals 10 Preposition 8 Table 1: Type of Errors Error Correct Form Here some general rules for injury prevention. Here are some general rules for injury prevention. There is a lot of sports in the world. There are a lot of sports in the world. Rules, aside from keeping the games fair, is also to help make the sports safer for everyone. Rules, aside from keeping the games fair, are also to help make the sports safer for everyone. These steps is important in preventing injuries. These steps are important in preventing injuries. There are a few ways to prevent this injuries. There are few ways to prevent these injuries. Table 2: Examples of errors in subject verb agreement According to the findings, the most common error made by the students is the subject verb agreement. Fourteen out of 22 students have problems in subject verb agreements. Most of the students do not know when to use is/are and was/were. For example, These steps is important in preventing injuries. This student used is instead of are might be because he does not know the differences between is and are and when to use the appropriate verb. Students have problems in differentiating the verbs because in Chinese and Mandarin, there is an absence of agreement between subjects and verbs in the languages and this may cause the students to commit errors on subject verb agreement. (Saadiyah Darus Khor, 2009) Maros et al (2007) examined the interference in learning English among form 1 students in Malaysia and they found that most of their subject committed grammatical errors due to the interference of Bahasa Malaysia. In Bahasa Malaysia, there is no such subject verb agreement rule that requires inflections based on the number of subjects. For example when He plays basketball is translated into Bahasa Malaysia, it will be Dia main bola keranjang. Even though dia is a third person singular, in Bahasa Malaysia, there is no need to add the suffix -s after the word main. Hence, the subjects were confused on when to add the suffix -s and this resulted in numerous subject verb agreement errors in their essays. Subject verb agreement errors are very common among second language learners. Even academics make mistakes in subject verb agreement in their academic papers. Flowerdew (2001) mentioned that subject verb agreement as one of the common errors in papers submitted by non-native writers of English. (Ting, Mahanita Mahadhir Chang, 2010) Hence, it is not surprising to find that the most common error made by the students in this study is subject verb agreement. Error Correct Form According to sports injuries statistics of 2009, the highest number of sport injuries reported was soccer which is then followed by rugby and basketball. According to sports injuries statistics of 2009, the highest number of sport injuries reported was soccer which was then followed by rugby and basketball. We can also have serious injuries where we get knocked out like in rugby and end up in the hospital. We can also have serious injuries where we got knocked out like in rugby and ended up in the hospital. Warm muscles are less susceptible to injuries. Warmed muscles are less susceptible to injuries. The table shown the number of sport injuries in soccer is higher than the other sports. The table shows that the number of sport injuries in soccer is higher than the other sports. It follows by rugby that has the second highest percentage. It is followed by rugby that has the second highest percentage. Table 3: Examples of errors on tenses Next is the error on tenses, whereby 13 out of 22 students made errors on tenses. Saadiyah Darus and Khor (2009) examined the four most common errors in writings of form 1 Chinese students and they found that errors on tense are the second highest total number of errors in the study after mechanics of writing. They found that the result is not surprising because the English notion of tense is something confusing to second language learners. This is because, in Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia, there is no indication of time in their verbs as compared to English that has present, past, future and continuous tenses. Besides that, it can also be assumed that some students are not aware of the different rules of tenses application. (Saadiyah Darus Kaladevi Subramaniam, 2009) Another reason might be because in Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia, words are added before the verb to show the time of the action. (Ting, Mahanita Mahadhir Chang, 2010) Hence, students have problems in constructing sentenc es with correct tenses. Wee (2009) found that Asian students tend to use the stem forms of the verbs in all contexts regardless of their tense. This is because Bahasa Malaysia does not have any linguistic device like verb inflections to show past time. So, the Malay students often use the stem of forms of the verbs in order to simplify the target language rules and reduce their linguistic burden or learning load (Wee, 2009). Warmed muscles are less susceptible to injuries in Bahasa Malaysia would be Otot-otot yang telah panas tidak mudah mengalami kecederaan. The word telah shows the tense of the sentence in Bahasa Malaysia whereas in English, we need to add the suffix -ed to show the past tense of the sentence. Therefore, the subjects will usually omit the tense because they do not know when to add the suffix -ed. Error Correct Form We can prevent injuries if we be in a proper physical condition when playing a sport. We can prevent injuries if we are in a proper physical condition when playing a sport. Frequent training and conditioning can prove useful in a long run. Frequent training and conditioning proven to be useful in a long run. The first way to prevent sport injuries is be in proper physical condition to play a sport. The first way to prevent sport injuries is to be in proper physical condition to play a sport. The athletes should had properly train for the sport. The athletes should be trained properly for the sport. Table 4: Examples of errors on auxiliary Results show that many students have problems in using the appropriate auxiliary in their compositions. They often used the wrong form of modals. For example, the majority of the students wrote We can prevent injuries if we be in a proper physical condition when playing a sport instead of We can prevent injuries if we are in a proper physical condition when playing a sport. This shows that many students did not know the proper use of auxiliary verb. Ali Akbar Khansir (2008) investigated syntactic errors in English committed by Indian undergraduates and he found that errors on auxiliary were the second highest error committed by his subjects. His study revealed that there is a lack of knowledge of auxiliary verb rules among his subjects. Error Correct Form For example, in rugby we must wear a mouth guards to prevent our mouth or teeth from injuries. For example, in rugby we must wear a mouth guard to prevent our mouth or teeth from injuries. A sportsmen can do this by doing regular exercises, eating proper food and doing regular practice. A sportsman can do this by doing regular exercises, eating proper food and doing regular practices. These safety gear such as ball guards, helmets and etc are designed to prevent injuries. These safety gears such as ball guards, helmets and etc are designed to prevent injuries. There are many reason they got injured. There are many reasons they got injured. This is because most of the athlete did not warm up before playing. This is because most of the athletes did not warm up before playing. Table 5: Examples of errors on singular/plurals Ten students made errors on singular and plurals. Most of them do not know when to apply the suffix -s when it is a plural noun. This might be due to the absence of plural marker for a noun in Bahasa Malaysia. (Saadiyah Darus Kaladevi Subramaniam, 2009) Some students might be aware of the existence of singular and plural nouns, but probably they are confused on when they should use singular or plural nouns. For example, There are many reasons they got injured when translated into Bahasa Malaysia will be Terdapat banyak punca mereka cedera. In Bahasa Malaysia, the word banyak indicates many, so banyak punca means many reasons. However, in English, we must apply the suffix -s to show that there are many reasons. Error Correct Form During the year 2009, the highest number of sport injuries was soccer. In the year 2009, the highest number of sport injuries was soccer. For the conclusion, there are many ways to prevent injuries when we are playing sports. In conclusion, there are many ways to prevent injuries when we are playing sports. For example, our countrys famous national football player, Mokhtar Dahari, retired in his football career at such a young age because of his calf injury. For example, our countrys famous national football player, Mokhtar Dahari, retired from his football career at such a young age because of his calf injury. Last but not least, avoid playing when you are in tired or in pain. Last but not least, avoid playing when you are tired or in pain. Sports can be divided to many categories such as indoor sports, outdoor sports and aquatic sports. Sports can be divided into many categories such as indoor sports, outdoor sports and aquatic sports. Table 6: Examples of errors on preposition Error on preposition is the least error made by the students. Only eight out of 22 students made errors on preposition. Error on preposition happens might be because of the interference of students L1 and Bahasa Malaysia. This is because some of the prepositions in Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia have similar meanings and functions with the prepositions in English. Hence, students might be confused on which preposition to be uses in their writing because sometimes a preposition in Bahasa Malaysia can be translated into different English prepositions. (Saadiyah Darus Khor, 2009) Ting and colleagues (2010) examined university students grammatical errors in spoken English and they found that, their subjects made the most mistakes in preposition and this indicates that the subjects are uncertain of the correct usage of the prepositions in the appropriate settings. The same problem occurs in students writings because the students are uncertain of the correct usage of the prepositions. Summary According to the data collected, 14 students made errors on subject verb agreement, 13 on tenses, 10 on auxiliary, 10 on singular/plural verb and 8 on prepositions. The reasons students made these errors might be due to the influence of their mother tongue or first language. Another reason might be because the subjects are confused with the rules of grammar usage. Every Form four student in the Malaysian education system follows the same English language syllabus provided by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. The current syllabus has been used since 2003. The syllabus is divided into two sections; the first is Learning Outcomes and Specifications and the second section is Language Content. Under the language content, there is a list of grammatical items that the teacher has to teach in class. They are nouns, articles, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, connectors, sentences and punctuation. So, every grammatical item is covered under the syllabus but the subjects still have problems with the grammar rules. Therefore, students should be made aware of the grammar rules and the teachers should make sure their students know how the grammar rules and apply them in their writings. There are some limitations in this study. First, the students were selected based on their proficiency and not based on ethnicity, so it is not easy to determine whether students mother tongue or first language influence the students command of English. Secondly, students compositions should be marked by more than one marker so that the result will be more reliable. Thirdly, this study was conducted in an urban secondary school where English is used widely in the community. So, the result of the study does not indicate that all students in Malaysia commit the same errors and have the same reasons behind the errors. Thus, this study can be improved by taking these factors into consideration. Conclusion In conclusion, by referring to previous studies and the results of the data collected, most students in Malaysia commit syntactic errors in their written compositions. Hence, teachers play an important role in teaching the students the correct forms of the language. They can incorporate grammar lessons into their English lessons and device interesting games and exercises to teach their students grammar. Many students and teachers acknowledge the fact that grammar lessons are boring and most teachers will try to avoid grammar lessons because the students are not interested in learning them. However, if teachers are able to device interesting lesson plans for their grammar lessons, students will be very interested and will participate actively in class.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Imperfect Creator in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Frankenstein essays

The Imperfect Creator in Frankenstein Often the actions of children are reflective of the attitudes of those who raised them. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Dr. Victor Frankenstein is the sole being that can take responsibility for the creature that he has created, as he is the only one that had any part in bringing it into being. While the actions of the creation are the ones that are the illegal and deadly their roots are traced back to the flaws of Frankenstein as a creator. Many of Frankenstein's faults are evident in the appearance of his creation. It is described as having yellow skin, dark black hair, eyes sunk into their sockets, and black lips (Shelly 56). Frankenstein, having chosen the parts for his creature, is the only one possible to blame for its appearance. Martin Tropp states that the monster is "designed to be beautiful and loving, it is loathsome and unloved" (64). Clearly it is Frankenstein's lack of foresight in the creation process to allow for a creature that Frankenstein "had selected his features as beautiful," (56) to become something which the very sight of causes its creator to say "breathless horror and disgust filled my heart"(56). He overlooks the seemingly obvious fact that ugliness is the natural result when something is made from parts of different corpses and put together. Were he thinking more clearly he would have noticed monster's hideousness. Another physical aspect of the monster which shows a fault in Frankenstein is its immense size. The reason that Frankenstein gives for creating so large a creature is his own haste. He states that ,"As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hinderance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to my first intention, to make a being gigantic in stature ..." (52). Had Frankenstein not had been so rushed to complete his project he would not have had to deal with such a physically intimidating creature. Tropp however states that ambition may have had a role in the size of the creation. He says that the creation is "born of Frankenstein's megalomania" (81). This may indeed be true as the inventor states "A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me" (52).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Accounting Homework

Fletcher Company manufactures and sells one product. The following information pertains to each of the company’s first two years of operations:| | | | Variable costs per unit:| | | Manufacturing:| | | Direct materials| | $ 20 | Direct labor| | $ 12 | Variable manufacturing overhead| | $ 4 | Variable selling and administrative| | $ 3 | Fixed costs per year:| | | Fixed manufacturing overhead| $| 200,000 | Fixed selling and administrative expenses| $| 80,000 | | During its first year of operations, Fletcher produced 50,000 units and sold 40,000 units.During its second year of operations, it produced 40,000 units and sold 50,000 units. The selling price of the company’s product is $50 per unit. | 1. | Assume the company uses variable costing:| a. | Compute the unit product cost for year 1 and year 2. (Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| Unit product cost| $ | $ | | b. | Prepare an income statement for year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| | $ | $ | | | | Variable expenses:| | | | | | | | | | | Total variable expenses| | | | | | | | | | | | Fixed expenses:| | | | | | | | | | | | Total fixed expenses| | | | | | | $ | $ | | | | | 2. | Assume the company uses absorption costing:| a. | Compute the unit product cost for year 1 and year 2. (Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| Unit product cost| $ | $ | | b. | Prepare an income statement for year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| | $ | $ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | $ | | | | 3. | Reconcile the difference between variable costing and absorption costing net operating income in year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| Variable costing net operating income (loss)| $ | $ | : | | | : | | | | | | Absorption costing net operating income| $ | $ | Fletcher Company manufactures and sells one product. The following information pertains to each of the company’s first two years of operations:| | | | Variable costs per unit:| | | Manufacturing:| | |Direct materials| | $ 20 | Direct labor| | $ 12 | Variable manufacturing overhead| | $ 4 | Variable selling and administrative| | $ 3 | Fixed costs per year:| | | Fixed manufacturing overhead| $| 200,000 | Fixed selling and administrative expenses| $| 80,000 | | During its first year of operations, Fletcher produced 50,000 units and sold 40,000 units. During its second year of operations, it produced 40,000 units and sold 50,000 units. The selling price of the company’s product is $50 per unit. | 1. | Assume the company uses variable costing:| a. | Compute the unit product cost for year 1 and year 2. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| Unit product cost| $ | $ | | b. | Prepare an income statement for year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| | $ | $ | | | | Variable expenses:| | | | | | | | | | | | Total variable expenses| | | | | | | | | | | | Fixed expenses:| | | | | | | | | | | | Total fixed expenses| | | | | | | $ | $ | | | | | 2. | Assume the company uses absorption costing:| a. | Compute the unit product cost for year 1 and year 2. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| Unit product cost| $ | $ | | b. | Prepare an income statement for year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. )| | Year 1| Year 2| | $ | $ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | $ | $ | | | | | 3. | Reconcile the difference between variable costing and absorption costing net operating income in year 1 and year 2. (Input all amounts as positive values except losses which should be indicated by a minus sign. Omit the â€Å"$† sign in your response. | Year 1 Year 2 | | | Variable costing net operating income (loss) 160,000 270,000 Add Fixed manufacturing overhead cost deferred in inventory under absorption costing 40000 Deduct fixed manufacturing overhead cost released inventory under absorption costing ______ Absorption costing net operating income 20000

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fluent in Speech and Affluent in Wealth

Fluent in Speech and Affluent in Wealth Fluent in Speech and Affluent in Wealth Fluent in Speech and Affluent in Wealth By Maeve Maddox Some speakers and writers are beginning to use the word affluent in contexts that call for fluent. Here are some examples of incorrect usage Ive notice on the web: a good vocabulary is necessary†¦ everyone should be well rounded and affluent in their own language. [Name] has over 14 years of real estate experience, is affluent in Spanish and specializes in new home and residential sales. [Name] was baptized in November 2006. She is affluent in Spanish, but her English is very weak. [Name], who is affluent in Spanish, works with Hispanic students. I need someone who is affluent in Spanish and I also would like to know about what they would charge for this. I now realize that not everyone is affluent in Spanish. Both fluent and affluent come from Latin words related to the idea of moving water: fluere, to flow; affluere, flow toward. In modern usage, the most common definitions of the two words are these: fluent [flÃ… «Ã‰â„¢nt] : flowing or capable of flowing, especially with ease or freedom affluent [ÄÆ'flÃ… «-É™nt] : having an abundance of goods or riches The misuse reflects a nonstandard pronunciation of affluent that puts the stress on the second syllable instead of the first. Here are some examples of the correct use of affluent: Are Affluent Teens The Latest Victims Of Mental Illness? These are affluent singles and couples who live in the chic high-rise neighborhoods of many big cities, owning swank condos and apartments. An Increasingly Affluent Middle India Is Harder to Ignore A person may live in an affluent neighborhood, but is fluent in a language. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Program vs. ProgrammeThe Writing ProcessThe Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Simple Plan essays

A Simple Plan essays The book, A Simple Plan, by Scott Smith, was much more effective than the movie version because the book was more descriptive and it allowed us to view everything from the main characters point of view. However, the story or plot of the movie was better than the book. The book version of A Simple Plan was better because it was more descriptive than the movie version. The author was able to give more details in the book than you would notice in a movie, for example, It was farmland, unrelentingly flat but made over to look like it wasnt. The roads curved around imaginary obstacles, and people constructed little hills in their front yards, like burial mounds, covering them with shrubbery. The houses up and down the street were tiny, each one built right up against the next... (5). Another example of the details in the book is, The collie was sitting on the porch. It didnt bark this time though; it simply stared at my station wagon, its ears erect, its thin, angular head rotating slowly on its shoulders... (108). The final example of the books details is, The suit made him look young, even fit, a brown paisley tie knotted beneath his chin, a handkerchief sticking up crisply from the breast pocket of his jacket. (267). The book described in d etail the land, the dog, and the suit, whereas in the movie, the viewer would just get a quick glance and may not notice these things. The book did a better job of making the reader feel like they were a part of the story because it was told through the eyes of the main character and let you know all his thoughts and ideas, whereas the movie only showed the expressions on his face and body language. For example, in the book Hank thinks to himself, I didnt have a hat with me, and I wasnt wearing boots-I hadnt planned on hiking through the snow-but I knew that both Jacob and Lou expected m ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019


THE RISE OF BIG BUSINESS essays "The Business of the United States is Business," a great man once said. The United States has heralded around the globe for its incredible economic system. The growth of the United States started off small with minor discoveries and inventions, such as oil and electricity, and with those in place emergence of new technologies and innovations came underway. The railroads came about very slowly and became very popular. A man named Henry Bessemer came up with a way to make steel cheaply and efficiently (Bessemer Process). With the prices of steel dropping railroads were being built all across the nation. Major business tycoons, such as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, took advantage of the demand for oil and steel and started their own companies and later developed a monopoly in their own area of business. New laws and business practices were also enforced. These topics will be addressed in the following pages. Common in all industries was the consumption and high use of electricity. The United States strived to find a cheap and efficient source of electricity to power its companies. Oil and the invention of the dynamo greatly aided industries need for power. Edwin Drake (a railroad conductor) was the first to drill for oil. Edwin Drake made quick profits and many others followed his path. There were many uses for oil, which became very useful and cost-effective. Oil was used to lubricate machinery parts and later became a major part in the internal combustion engine. This engine later made the emergence of automobile possible. Large-scale use of electricity was not fully tapped until about the mid 1800's. Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry invented an invention called the dynamo. The dynamo produced enough electricity to run factories from the use of steam, and water. With electricity fully understood Thomas Edison began his work. Thomas Edison made more than a thousand different inventions in his...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sunset Grill at Blue Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sunset Grill at Blue Analysis - Essay Example igger issue to the management and thus prompted analysis SWOT analysis on Sunset at Blue to identify the exact genesis of the problem (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). To help this organization improve the service delivery and customer satisfaction, the concepts of gap model Gap Model was applied to benefit Sunset at Blue. The restaurant management was pleased with performance as they realized high customers and sales particularly on its first year of operations and had earned business of the year in the countries of Simcoe and Grey. However, the management had to device a new strategy to combat a problem that was increasingly building up at the restaurant, and could affect the performance in terms of customer satisfaction (Cheng, 2012). Even though sun set at blue restaurant provided healthy food to customers, the management had a problem of constant long queues of customers especially on Sunday (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). For instance, the servers were only two attending to the customer orders; this could be corrected using Gap model should be applied by the management. This concept entails bridging the gap between consumers in terms of their expectation and management perception that occurs when the management does not correctly perceive the customers want. The fourth in the gap model is directly important in this scenario as it arises between service delivery from the providers and external communication (Reitzel et al., 2014). The gap arises when customer’s expectations are not fully met the time of service delivery as in the case of Sunset at Blue. Due to inadequacy in terms of enough servers, the management of the Sunset at Blue should hire three more servers to ensure quick attendance to the customers’ orders (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). In addition, the management should provide more seats on at the weighting bay for the customers to feel comfortable as they await their service (Rachel et al, 2013). Cheng, C. (2012). Service quality

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answers the two Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answers the two Questions - Essay Example The infamous Zimmermann Telegram became the basis of United States formal entry into the conflict. Woodrow Wilson himself gave a speech to congress and declared war on Germany marking the official entry of United States into the World War. My personal opinion is that Zimmermann Telegram was not a good enough reason to enter the war. It was more of a self fulfilling prophecy where United States thought that Mexico would join Germany in turn declaring a war against Germany. The telegram was sent in case United States joined the war therefore it cannot be used as a justification to enter the war. According to Benjamin Freedman, Zionist were the main reason behind US involvement in the war against Germany. Freedman thinks that Zionists wanted assurance from Britain regarding Palestine and in return they took the task of involving US in the war against Germany (Freedman, 1). Jews were controlling all the newspapers and banks so it was easy for them to force US in the war. Freedman concludes that US had no reason to join the war. America was Pro Germany before 1917 to a certain extent and was not interested in the war. America should not have involved itself in the war because there was nothing to gain out of it. United States had little to gain from entering the war but only due to Zionist intervention did they take part in the war. The whole of the world changed as a result of US intervention because it was the first time when public opinion was deliberately changed in order to keep the war efforts going (Spielvogel). American public was not interested in the war but the public was made to believe that they were under threat. All this was done because of a powerful lobby of Zionists in United States. American history for certain would have been far better if US would not have declared war against Germany. Lives were lost and money was wasted, but the most perilous socio

Professionalism in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Professionalism in Education - Essay Example According to the report findings learners usually move into the education sector with a difficult historical background regarding their formal education, prompting some of them to view it as the last resort prior to dropping out of education and training completely. This paper highlights the notion echoed in the Wolf Report that learners consequently require the most profound and excellent teaching for making sure that they stay on track and have the ability to make wise decisions while taking the right subsequent stages to protect their future of continuous employment.As the discussion stresses  it is important that every form of learning programme, such as apprenticeships go along with the best methods of teaching, learning as well as the assessment of the outcomes that are considered appropriate. Generally, teachers need to display their confidence in their existing learners by nurturing them for future endeavours in the education sector. Such initiatives begin with the provisio n of the highest quality training and assessment possible with the intention of building a solid foundation of skills, as they develop their careers progressively. In line with FE, the significance of constantly good or exceptional training, together with the highest quality of assessment methods, results in the most successful learning outcomes, making it a more substantial form of provision.  The UK government has tried to execute a form of professionalism by statute in the past decade on the further through advancing nationwide occupational standards for teachers.

Operational Management Business Plan Term Paper

Operational Management Business Plan - Term Paper Example (National Center for Education Statistics) Operations management is essentially overseeing processes that turn inputs into outputs. The goal is to achieve organisational objectives at the lowest cost in order to maximise profits. I work for General Trading which is a grocery and dairy supplier. The portfolio includes distribution, wholesale as well as export operations. The company trades in approximately 10,000 grocery items and 2,000 products and sports its own brands Parade and Better Valu. The export markets range from Europe, South America, Africa, Caribbean and the Middle East. (General Trading) The largest branch of operations exists for food items delivery to supermarkets within the metropolitan area. General Trading acts as the middle man between the wholesalers and the larger grocery stores. Myriad physical resources including warehouses, offices, transport equipment, support services are required to support operations. On the human side, hundreds of workers are required ea ch day by General Trading to ensure prompt delivery of food items. The business philosophy is rather archaic and well set in and the management is not highly committed to change (in terms of modernisation). Business operations demand investment in physical and human resources in order to maximise efficiency and production. At General Trading the, top management has been relentlessly unwilling to invest money in company operations in the short-term to prosper in the long-run. The company’s operations suffer due to lack of training, archaic physical resources, inefficient warehouse operations (stacking and retrieval), lack of employee metrics as well as the lack of a coherent quality management scheme. Operation Analysis and Evaluation General Trading being a logistics operator has to deal with warehousing and transportation. These two operations form the bulk of the company’s operations management. Goods flow both into and out of the warehouse. The material needs to be stacked in order of certain preferences so that it can be readily deployed as required. These preferences include delivery dates, nature of food materials (preserved or fresh), room for fire fighting and escape etc. Food orders are created to record all transactions of incoming and outgoing food materials. Experienced personnel are required to create food orders so that the right amount of detail is entered flawlessly intro records. Similarly, experienced store handlers are required to locate the food materials both when they arrive and when they are about to leave. Investments in the physical equipment have also been lacking which have promoted inefficient operations. A description of the operations is provided below for areas where improvements are desired. Relevant weaknesses are listed alongside the process evaluation so that continuity and relevance can be maintained. Warehousing Warehousing refers to the storage of materials for further processing. In terms of business value a ddition, warehousing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Trends in collective bargaining in the ukadvantages and disadvantages Essay

Trends in collective bargaining in the ukadvantages and disadvantages of employees in collective bargaining and an assessment of it - Essay Example Nowadays it is being chiefly used for financial purposes and social issues. Recently there has been less centralized collective bargaining in the UK. In regard to this Fox states "[Collective bargaining] has often been seen as, though not by all pluralists, not only as leveling up employee power to an acceptable approximation of that of management, but also as reinforcing government social welfare and redistribute policies in gradually reducing class difference." (Fox, 1985:22) In the UK collective bargaining is treated as the most useful and efficient form of bargaining which can help the workers to regulate their terms and conditions of service in consideration with ILO Convention 84. Nevertheless, the significance of collective bargaining in the United Kingdom and in the other parts of the industrialised world has minimized after the 1980s.Its turn down in the government sector comes from the growth of Review Body arrangements (Jackson, Leopold, Tuck, Katz 1995). A collective bargaining agreement helps the employees to look for progress in wages, hours of working and work environment. In other words it is a base through which the employees can voice their demands but these agreements sometimes can lead to difficult consequences such as strikes. However after the mid 1990s a considerable increase is seen in the partnership deals between the unions and the employers. These agreements allow the employees to have a greater sense of job security and strong p osition in the company. In UK agreements have been made so that the performance is improved by making a chance in organization or improving the relationships with other industries (e.g. Tesco etc). Collective bargaining has made a way for the trade unions to rise and the trade unions in the recent years are stressing on their functions in improving the business performance. Workers are joining the trade unions because of the lack of job security in the firms. Trade Unions have accepted the management offers to negotiate partnership agreements. This new way adopted by them is causing more members to join them and is helping the trade unions to get identification in the non union companies. The Trade Union Congress has formed a Partnership Institute which offers guidance and help to organization who want to build up good relations between unions, employers and employees. One such example which involves collective agreements is Barclays Bank and UNIFI. Strikes were caused in the firm d ue to the belief of upcoming job losses and salary disputes. An agreement was reached between the management and the employees in April 1999. The agreement reached helped the employees to get job security and hence helped them to improve the quality of life. (Industrial Relations Services Employment Trends 715, November 2000).Collective bargaining is a process which provides the employers or the management to deal with the problems of the employees equally. If the general areas of interests are emphasized in collective bargaining it can help to develop an approval of common interests by the employees (Purcell, 1979). The feeling of equality and general interests being fulfilled will help the workers to be satisfied, would lessen disagreements and create an environment of stability within the company for the employees. It can lead to equal pay for all the workers ding the same work and this would provide a social benefit. Equality is

Scenario Planning for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Term Paper

Scenario Planning for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships - Term Paper Example The antibiotic will also help CMS to save more money (28,000 dollars, annually). The administrator also acknowledges the drawbacks that come with the CMS using the antibiotic. The administration is for instance at home with the concerns that border on the lack of familiarity with the drug and the addition of a step to an already busy pre-operation nurses’ workload. However, the administrator’s initial statement and vouching for the antibiotic is premised on the antibiotic not have its pitfalls, but its benefits far outweighing its disadvantages. Stakeholder’s Background Thinking and First Responses and the Administrator’s Response Option Choice The stakeholder’s background thinking and the first response is largely ambivalent. While there are those who readily welcome the introduction of the antibiotic in CMS’ surgical interventions, others are diametrically opposed to the same idea. For instance, the pharmacist is positive about the introduc tion of the antibiotic, because he has learned about the drug. The financial analyst is likely to welcome this move since it will help save 28,000 dollars annually. The preoperational nurse and surgeon are not in support of the antibiotic. Although the nurse is interested in making her efforts patient-centered, she is worried that the move will add her other responsibilities at the preoperational stage. The surgeon, on the other hand, loathes government mandates and regards them as unnecessary since he has a generally positive track record for patients who have come from surgery. However, he lacks knowledge on the actual rate of post-surgery wound infections, due to his surgery patients. In this case, it is important that the administrator acknowledges these concerns since they are legitimate. Conversely, the administrator should consult the opposing team so as to place modalities on the introduction of the antibiotic. The modalities are to alleviate the setbacks that may shortchang e the preoperational nurse and the surgeon. During these consultations, the administrator must make it clear that the introduction of the antibiotic is inevitable. How to Communicate With the Stakeholders According to Dewar (2010), the best way of communicating with these stakeholders in order to convince them to welcome the use of the antibiotic is a dialogue. The administration can initiate and facilitate the dialogue by welcoming the stakeholders to a meeting. Efforts must be made to ensure that the meeting remains a dialogue instead of a monologue. In this light, the preoperational nurse, the surgeon and the like-minded who have reservations towards the introduction of the preoperational antibiotic must state their standpoints and qualify them. From this angle, the administration and the stakeholders must work together to designate modalities that can mitigate the demerits that accost the use of the new antibiotic. On the same wavelength, it will be imperative that the administr ation expounds on the need to integrate the antibiotic to CMS’ surgical intervention.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Operational Management Business Plan Term Paper

Operational Management Business Plan - Term Paper Example (National Center for Education Statistics) Operations management is essentially overseeing processes that turn inputs into outputs. The goal is to achieve organisational objectives at the lowest cost in order to maximise profits. I work for General Trading which is a grocery and dairy supplier. The portfolio includes distribution, wholesale as well as export operations. The company trades in approximately 10,000 grocery items and 2,000 products and sports its own brands Parade and Better Valu. The export markets range from Europe, South America, Africa, Caribbean and the Middle East. (General Trading) The largest branch of operations exists for food items delivery to supermarkets within the metropolitan area. General Trading acts as the middle man between the wholesalers and the larger grocery stores. Myriad physical resources including warehouses, offices, transport equipment, support services are required to support operations. On the human side, hundreds of workers are required ea ch day by General Trading to ensure prompt delivery of food items. The business philosophy is rather archaic and well set in and the management is not highly committed to change (in terms of modernisation). Business operations demand investment in physical and human resources in order to maximise efficiency and production. At General Trading the, top management has been relentlessly unwilling to invest money in company operations in the short-term to prosper in the long-run. The company’s operations suffer due to lack of training, archaic physical resources, inefficient warehouse operations (stacking and retrieval), lack of employee metrics as well as the lack of a coherent quality management scheme. Operation Analysis and Evaluation General Trading being a logistics operator has to deal with warehousing and transportation. These two operations form the bulk of the company’s operations management. Goods flow both into and out of the warehouse. The material needs to be stacked in order of certain preferences so that it can be readily deployed as required. These preferences include delivery dates, nature of food materials (preserved or fresh), room for fire fighting and escape etc. Food orders are created to record all transactions of incoming and outgoing food materials. Experienced personnel are required to create food orders so that the right amount of detail is entered flawlessly intro records. Similarly, experienced store handlers are required to locate the food materials both when they arrive and when they are about to leave. Investments in the physical equipment have also been lacking which have promoted inefficient operations. A description of the operations is provided below for areas where improvements are desired. Relevant weaknesses are listed alongside the process evaluation so that continuity and relevance can be maintained. Warehousing Warehousing refers to the storage of materials for further processing. In terms of business value a ddition, warehousing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Scenario Planning for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Term Paper

Scenario Planning for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships - Term Paper Example The antibiotic will also help CMS to save more money (28,000 dollars, annually). The administrator also acknowledges the drawbacks that come with the CMS using the antibiotic. The administration is for instance at home with the concerns that border on the lack of familiarity with the drug and the addition of a step to an already busy pre-operation nurses’ workload. However, the administrator’s initial statement and vouching for the antibiotic is premised on the antibiotic not have its pitfalls, but its benefits far outweighing its disadvantages. Stakeholder’s Background Thinking and First Responses and the Administrator’s Response Option Choice The stakeholder’s background thinking and the first response is largely ambivalent. While there are those who readily welcome the introduction of the antibiotic in CMS’ surgical interventions, others are diametrically opposed to the same idea. For instance, the pharmacist is positive about the introduc tion of the antibiotic, because he has learned about the drug. The financial analyst is likely to welcome this move since it will help save 28,000 dollars annually. The preoperational nurse and surgeon are not in support of the antibiotic. Although the nurse is interested in making her efforts patient-centered, she is worried that the move will add her other responsibilities at the preoperational stage. The surgeon, on the other hand, loathes government mandates and regards them as unnecessary since he has a generally positive track record for patients who have come from surgery. However, he lacks knowledge on the actual rate of post-surgery wound infections, due to his surgery patients. In this case, it is important that the administrator acknowledges these concerns since they are legitimate. Conversely, the administrator should consult the opposing team so as to place modalities on the introduction of the antibiotic. The modalities are to alleviate the setbacks that may shortchang e the preoperational nurse and the surgeon. During these consultations, the administrator must make it clear that the introduction of the antibiotic is inevitable. How to Communicate With the Stakeholders According to Dewar (2010), the best way of communicating with these stakeholders in order to convince them to welcome the use of the antibiotic is a dialogue. The administration can initiate and facilitate the dialogue by welcoming the stakeholders to a meeting. Efforts must be made to ensure that the meeting remains a dialogue instead of a monologue. In this light, the preoperational nurse, the surgeon and the like-minded who have reservations towards the introduction of the preoperational antibiotic must state their standpoints and qualify them. From this angle, the administration and the stakeholders must work together to designate modalities that can mitigate the demerits that accost the use of the new antibiotic. On the same wavelength, it will be imperative that the administr ation expounds on the need to integrate the antibiotic to CMS’ surgical intervention.

The Impact of Human Rights Violations on Refugee Women Essay Example for Free

The Impact of Human Rights Violations on Refugee Women Essay The international concern about the rights of women has been rapidly gaining attention from higher authorities.   Since the end of the World War II, the issue pertaining to this has received significant development until the millennium era.   The first among the organization that concentrated on the advocacy of the women’s rights was the Commission of the Status of Women, which was established in 1948 in order to promote women’s right and equality followed by the International Women’s Decade in 1976 to 1985 (Beyani, p. 29) dedicated to the promotion of women’s right as human rights.. In the same way, the United Nations had conducted several conferences to address the problem of human rights violations committed on women worldwide as well as to outline legal trends that could help minimize violence on women and to advance the cause of women specifically the refugee women. Spearheaded by the United Nation, the conferences composed of loose coalition of groups and individuals worldwide, they launched a petition in 1991 calling on the Vienna to comprehensively address women’s human rights. These campaigns were so successful that women’s right gained recognition in both the UN documents and treatises including the adoption of a UN declaration of on the Elimination of Violence against women. Cases of human rights violations among refugee women are ubiquitous because these people are exposed to numerous threats during all phases of the dislocation or displacement period Displacement period among women simply refers to their loss of jobs by either war or domestic violence.   Their experiences while at the camp leave emotional and physical impact on them, which in many cases traumatic that cause major changes in their lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Likewise, those organizations have identified specific exploitations done on women including refugee women, which have the worst cases of human rights violations all over the world.   Among the recognized forms of abuses are rape, sexual abuse, sexual extortion, and physical injury as outlined by the United Nation. These abuses are rampant regardless of their geographical limitation; abuses are inflicted to many women in refugee camps around the globe most particularly in countries like Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Somalia, and many Asian nations.   The human rights of these refugee women receive less considerable attention unlike their male counterpart or the human right’s abuses among men., because in the first place, their interests have not sufficiently represented in the international body. Stedman and Tanner cited the definition of refugee from African Unity Refugee Convention in 1974, which he stated as, â€Å"every person who, owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refugee in another place outside his country of origin or nationality† (p. 139).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Refugees are people who seek international protection for fear of persecution, civil war, or strife, abuses of human rights, and other reasons in their own country because their own country failed to provide that for them (Tarner, 139).   Nowadays, the process of seeking refuge or asylum is under an obligation and/or activity of United Nations with the assistance from United States of America and other participating countries.   The reported cases of refugee prepared by United States Committee for Refugees in 2003 are approximately less than ten million (Martin, p. 3); and the majority of these people are from the least developed countries such as Bangladish, which are mostly women and children. However, the irony here is that, the refugees who are after for protection have stumbled upon worst exploitations in the country they chose to settle.   Refugee women are defenseless in terms of abuse by people in the government and sometimes by rebellious groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are factors that can prove the relationship of refugee flows with social, cultural, and political chaos in the society.   Doreen Marie Indra stated that it becomes clear that in many cases these experiences are â€Å"grounded in politics† (p. 326).   Women become the subject of persecution at some occasion because they refuse to oblige with or they transgress social mores. Indra explained that because these women oppose the dictates of a political or religious system they are gendered punishment for violation of â€Å"particular social norms† (p. 326).In other words, even the prevailing social and religious system was oppressive in nature to the women’s right and they punished for disobeying even the simplest dress code (Indra, p. 328).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Michael Penn and Rahel Nardos saw the angle of discrimination of society to women as another ground for human rights violation of refugee women.   Violence against women according to him is a â€Å"manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women†¦[and that it] is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men† (p. 182).   Likewise, those women in refugee camps and minority groups are vulnerable to violence according to him.   This concept prompts men to take advantage of women in refugee camps because of the idea that women are property of men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, Erin Baines believed that problem pertaining to refugee crisis has something to do with the cultural differences among individual groups (p. 32).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stedman and Tanner (2003) described the nexus of refugee flows as:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The result of the failure of the international system to prevent, deter, or terminate gross violations; from failure to hold governments that are guilty of gross violations responsible for the floods of refugees they unleash; from failure to assume political responsibility for refugee situations that threaten international peace and security; from failure to assume political responsibility to prevent violations that unleash refugee floods, and collective responsibility to guarantee remedies, including temporary protection or resettlement† (p. 155).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accordingly, refugees continue to suffer from exploitation simply because the international political system fails to recognize its collective responsibility in this issue, at least to place individual rights at the top of the normative deliberation in refugee catastrophes.(yes it’s mine.) It means that obviously the rights of individual refugee women were somehow neglected, although in general, there efforts to combat human rights abuses. The relocation itself causes difficulty to refugees especially in adjusting oneself to current culture, language, and society.   Most of them rely on donation from non-government organization, which does not sufficiently sustain the needs of the family. Though they wish to stand on their own, they find difficulty gaining access to important services such as income-generating projects and educational programs, Indra noted that women in many countries†¦ â€Å"Are denied education, access to profession, or paid work (p. 326)   which are important elements to support the need of the family especially in the absence of the husband. Due to this problem, many of them suffer financial complexity and emotional stress.   Meyer and Prugl noted that refugee women cannot enjoy the social services or employment opportunities or be protected in accordance with the UN High Commissioner for refugee   UNHCR policies since most of them rely on their husband’s document; and this resulted to great stress among them as they seek help from the authorities such as the United Nations (p. 250).   These people are likely to experience poverty, illiteracy, encounter conflicts within refugee population, domestic violence, and sexual torture. Poverty is one major problem of the refugees. They are lack of adequate food and safe drinking water that lead to high rates of child mortality and relatively poor health.   Cole, Espin, and Rothblum reported that most refugees â€Å"live in unsanitary conditions where epidemics and disease are common, water supplies are contaminated, and food resources are insufficient (p. 65).   In a report made by the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) narrated that women are often reduced to â€Å"exchanging sex for otherwise unavailable food and nonfood items such as clothing, shelter materials, and cooking items† (p. 25). Girls in the refugee camps have little opportunity to acquire education because families do not have funds for school fees, uniform, books, and others.   Lack of education worsens their condition because this limits the employment chances of women and youth in the future. Many refugees encounter conflicts within the refugee population because of major ethnic groups or political factions.   Martin noted that the conflicts among the refugees affect the participation in decision making of the representatives of different groups that hinder possible solution to their problem (p. 18). Domestic violence on women in the refugee camp occurs because male family members are away, or sometimes killed.   According to the report of Human Rights Watch Staff, the levels of domestic violence â€Å"could also be high in refugee setting.†Ã‚   For instance, in the Human Rights Watch’s report of the Burundian refugee camps in 1998, they had recorded relatively high incidence of domestic violence committed on women, which occurred inside or outside refugee camps by relief workers (p. 487).   This group acknowledged this problem as something largely unrecognized and the perpetrators â€Å"enjoyed free movement in the camps† (p. 487). Sexual torture somehow is different from domestic violence.   Martin specifically identified these tortures as something inflicted on the victims in an inhumane manner.   Sexual torture is in form of either heterosexual or homosexual rape; the rape of women by the use of specially trained dogs or forced witnessing of unnatural sexual relations, and many other forms (Martin, p. 33).   Basically, torture causes much severe emotional impact on its victims both physically and psychologically, because of the nature it is being carried out.which Martin describe as â€Å"inhumane, cruel and degrading punishment or treatment (p. 33) Aside from health and protection problems, women in the refugee camps are likely to suffer additional problems due to their gender.   According to Cole, Espin and Rothblum, women and girls are vulnerable to sexual violence in which rape is a common experience for them (p. 65).   Rape is the most frightening and humiliating experience for the refugee women; this is the most traumatic actually that many of them already committed suicide. (Espin and Rothlblum, p. 69) The raping of refugee women is unusually brutal; they are gang raped or raped repeatedly often for days at a time.   Refugee women’s experience while at camp produces both physical and emotional impact on them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, they suffer from emotional trauma leaving them alone to confront the issue.   Cole,, explained that for Asian and African women, being a rape victim is considered ‘ruined’ because their culture values virginity is â€Å"synonymous with purity† (p. 69).   As a result, they feel they lose all value in society and are rejected by their families.   Rape for Islam, Buddhist, and Taoist is associated with â€Å"karma† or punishment for the sin they have committed.   Thus, most of these women are unwilling to disclose the issue to others, in turn, their behavior show psychosomatic symptoms of these experiences. Theilade LD. Explained that sexual dysfunction is possible to occur if a person has experienced sexual torture or non-sexual, physical, or non-physical torture. He further stated that this problem is â€Å"seen in up to fifty-one percent of torture victims (par. 1).   However, the development of sexual dysfunction may occur largely to people who suffered from sexual torture.   Sexual dysfunction could also be attributed to post traumatic stress disorder.(This info. came from Kemp and Rasbridge mentioned about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by refugee women as a result of stress, physical or sexual torture, and trauma (p. 74).   Women who had been in this traumatic experience said that they avoided going out yet, due to their family responsibility, they had to force themselves to continue with daily activities. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder could be obtained if the person has previous anxiety disorder and other factor such as early childhood trauma or head injuries that may trigger the problem.   Generally, refugees suffer from mental health problem like flash backs and dreams and intense guilt or anger and the percentage is almost sixty-five percent, which lasted for many years especially when they do not receive treatment and support from family members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, these women are likely to sustain physical injuries.   Others contract venereal disease or sexually transmitted diseases.   Some became pregnant after the rape. Indeed, women are not only victims of general violence and the lack of health care, they also contending issues unambiguous to their biology and social status. However, despite of predicaments faces by refugee women, Florence Howe (1996) noted that refuge and displaced migrant women are likely to endure any situation. Howe Asserted, â€Å"Refugee, displaced and migrant women in most cases display strength, endurance and resourcefulness and can contribute positively to countries of resettlement or to their origin on their return† (Howe, p. 213). Howe pointed out these women should be appropriately involved in decisions that affect them and their future, since it cannot be denied that women make significant but frequently unrecognized role as educators both in their families and their societies as Anthony Redmond noted (2006) â€Å"women will often be the first to deny themselves in favor of others, particularly children or male partners†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Redmond, p. 21) Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As some authors pointed out, the international human rights and the United Nations has done enough to protect human rights particularly of the refugee women. But is a fact that abuses on women continues to dominate in many countries in the world particularly in refugee centers. Perhaps this social stigma can be attributed to the two of the most pressing problems of the society ever since, Poverty and discrimination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus no matter how many laws are legislated to protect women from abuses, or no matter how far is the international effort or even the United Nation’s effort to provide necessary protection for women’s right, these abuses on women will continue to persist unless the fundamental sources of the problems are addressed, although this problem maybe is as old as human civilization it self. Authorities therefore must not only look at the crime or run after the offenders but they should also consider the situations involve and gather evidences relating the crimes to the problems mentioned and suggest possible solution to the problems to law making body. The United Nations and all international effort on combating abuses on women must also pay attention to this problem, and try to realign some of their resources to help address the two problems mentioned earlier, along with intensified efforts of the law enforcement to run after the criminal offenders to put them behind bars. Intensifying efforts of both the international body and law enforcements agencies against the offenders and social problems may not completely erased this disease of the society but it certainly will help curb the problem. Work Cited Baines, E.K. Vulnerable Bodies: Gender, the Un and the Global Refugee Crisis. USA: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2004. Beyani, Chaloka. â€Å"The Needs of Refugee Women: A Human Rights Perspective.† Women and Rights. Ed. Sweetman, Caroline. UK: Oxfam, 1995. Cole, E., Espin, O., Rothblum, E. Refugee Women and their Mental Health: Shattered Societies, Shattered Lives. USA: Haworth Press, 1992. Howe, F. Beijing and Beyond Toward the Twenty First-First Century of Women: Includes the Complete Text of the Plattform for Action. USA: Florence Howe Graduate School and University Center, 1996.    Human Rights Watch World Report 1999.   New York: Human Rights Watch, 1998. â€Å"Humanitarian Assistance: Protecting Refugee Women and Girls Remains a Significant Challenge.† United States General Accounting Office. May 2003.,M1 Indra, D.M. Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice.   USA: Berghahn Books. Kemp, C. Rasbridge, L.A. Refugee and Immigrant Health: A Handbook for Health Professionals, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Martin, S. F. Refugee Women. USA: Lexington Books, 2004. Meyer, M.K. Prugl, E. Gender Politics in Global Governance. USA: Rowman Littlefield Publishing, Inc., 1999. Penn, M.L. Nardos, R. Overcoming Violence Against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem. USA: Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. Redmond, A. ABC of Conflict and Disaster. UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Stedman, S. J. Tanner, F. Refugee Manipulation War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering. USA: Brookings Institution Press, 2003. Theilade, LD. â€Å"Sexual Dysfunction in Torture Victims.† PubMed. 2002 Oct .

Monday, October 14, 2019

Webers Concept of Rationalization

Webers Concept of Rationalization Rationalization and Weber’s Possible Interpretations Rationalization is not a term that Max Weber defined in his book Modernity and Society. However, it is possible to speculate that the most plausible interpretation for what Weber meant by rationalization is, the replacement of traditional ways of doing things with new calculated ways. Two examples of these calculated ways of doing things can be seen in his writings on capitalism and bureaucracy; in which he highlights that capitalism has changed the economic structure of the West and bureaucracy, has changed the organizational structure in the West. One alternative interpretation that can also be taken from his book is that rationalization is the advancement of scientific reasoning through empirical evidence; which is a shift from previous emphasis on just spiritualism and mysticism. This paper will demonstrate that his interpretation does not hold much foundation in Weber’s writing and in fact, the most likely interpretation is the one regarding a shift to more calculated way s of doing. For Weber, calculation of human actions comes up immensely in his writing, and this ability to calculate and move from old traditional norms can be seen in the rise of capitalism and bureaucracy. Human beings systematic shift from bartering goods to a more sophisticated and logical way created a capitalistic society. Weber’s claim that capitalism is the essence of rationalization can be seen when he states â€Å"Also capitalist businessmen, not only as occasional entrepreneurs but as persons oriented permanently to business, have been ancient, enduring, and highly universal figures† (Weber, p. 57). He is referring to the old ways business was done which was not sufficient enough to survive in a more progressive Westernized world in which capitalism replaced it because it is a more rational way of viewing the economy. This is quite significant because he touches upon the theme of calculating the market and using that to one’s advantage to better understand the eco nomy. A supporter of the scientific interpretation might state that capitalism is not in fact a better way of organization because it causes many problems for individuals such as the inequalities that it produces. Thus might add, science through empirical evidence helps individuals unlike capitalism. While capitalism existed in places like China and in the Middle Ages it did not have the â€Å"spirit† as Weber describes it. This spirit that Weber speaks of is to have a duty to prosper through financial gains. When capitalism does prosper it is because individuals accept internal a certain way for doing things and realize that a capitalist society is right for them to achieve their goals and desires. He says â€Å"commercialisation would not have existed if capitalist-rational organization of work had not been there. One reason is rationalization is the enhancement of capitalism; it is the improvement of capitalist industrial firm.†(Weber, p.18). This illustrates his pr ofound confidence in capitalism as rationalization, which is a shift to more systematic calculated ways of thinking about and doing actions. Another example that can be used to support the calculated ways interpretation is Weber’s writings on bureaucracy. Bureaucracy’s ability to handle the tasks of an increasingly complex society with relative ease, has significantly changed the social life of individuals. Weber highlights the superiority of the bureaucratic system when he writes â€Å"the decisive reason for the advance of bureaucratic organization has always been its purely technical superiority over any other form of organization†(Weber, p.198). In a sense, Weber is praising bureaucracy with the formulation of a structural hierarchy chain of command that makes time more efficient and individuals know what goals must be accomplished as opposed to the old ways of doing things where the structure was not as defined. One might say that Weber does not support this because he states â€Å"Bureaucracy both in business offices and in public service, promotes the rise of a specific status group, just as d id the quite different officeholders of the past† (Weber, p.202). Weber is stating that bureaucracy is nothing different from the old ways of doing things because it creates a hierarchy where individuals are still at the bottom. At first glance this might present a reasonable challenge but after further analysis, its flaw is evident. This would not be a sufficient argument because Weber states â€Å"according to all constitutions he can be dismissed or resign at any time†( Weber , p.204), the â€Å"he† Weber is referring to is a high official in a bureaucratic system. He essential debunks the argument raised that bureaucracy creates a hierarchical society that individuals will always be able to retain their power. When in actuality unlike the traditional ways where power was secure and did not fluctuate, bureaucracies are deeply infringed in Western legal systems that inhibit people from keeping their power if that majority wants them out. The reality is that bec ause of the effortless movement of ideals and people, bureaucracy enables individuals to cooperate in an efficient manner, which is a result of rational behaviour. Weber accepting the bureaucracy has had a tremendous impact on his entire writing because from a sociological perspective, it allows individuals to work together more harmoniously because of the constant flow of activity as previously described. In a traditional society, human beings were focused on mysticism and spiritualism as a means of discovering everything in their surroundings and as a result they lacked comprehensive knowledge of their environment. An alternative interpretation to what rationalization might have meant to Weber is that it is the move from spiritual and mystical ways of seeing the world to a more scientific and empirical way of understanding our surroundings. A scientific interpretation might be seen as plausible because Weber’s admiration for science can be seen when he states â€Å"Every scientific â€Å"fulfillment† raises new â€Å"questions†; it asks to be â€Å"surpassed† and â€Å"out-datedâ€Å" (Weber, p.56). This is a very relevant reason for this interpretation because with scientific rise, one is able to ask more insightful questions than previously thought of. However, a disadvantage to an individual taking this interpretation is that although Weber supports scientific reasoning, he does not believe that it is only unique to Western society. â€Å"Empirical knowledge, reflection on the world and the problems of life, philosophical and theological wisdom of the deepest kind extraordinarily refined knowledge observation – all this existed outside the West† (Weber, p.53). This raises a huge flaw in rationalization with this interpretation because if rationalization is the move from better ways of thinking and more systematic calculable ways, then why would other individuals than the West develop it? A more unique perspective is to adopt the first interpretation where capitalism and bureaucracy are primarily found in the West. Weber, throughout the chapter entitled Scientific Vocation, makes reference to science not being able to answer the questions that govern a person’s regular life and it falls short in this area. Weber, a sociologist, would be primarily interested in the social aspects of rationalization something that science does not offer an answer to. The scientific interpretation would not be a suitable explanation for what Weber meant by rationalization. It is clear that Weber did not provide a direct definition for what rationalization meant. However, it is possible to conclude that because of his strong interest in capitalism and bureaucracy, he meant rationalization is the ability to calculate and systematically change the world. Although some might propose the alternative interpretation that Weber might have meant that rationalization is the transformation from mysticism thinking in the world of how religion used to be and towards more scientific knowledge. This interpretation would not be a substantive one to explain the other forms of rationalization that Weber describes throughout his book. References: Weber, M. (2005). Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity. S. Kalberg (Ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

All for Show †The Post-Petrarchan Poetry of Wyatt, Sidney, and Spenser

The difficulty of discussing the representation of women in the work of sixteenth century English poets like Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sir Philip Sidney, and Edmund Spenser is the need to address authorial intent in its historical context. As a critic, one cannot attribute to words what the author did not intend; however, one can attribute intentions that the author did not word. For example, it is easy to justify the objectification and subordination of women in the English-Petrarchan sonnet tradition but is it entirely factual? Does object of desire necessarily mean desired object? Does such a designation deny the agency or even apply to the beloved? The question to ask is whether contemporary criticism can be applied retroactively; that is, whether theories concerning objectification or ‘othering’ are relevant merely because they fit. The real challenge is to decide if evidence of objectification can be discovered or simply applied to a text that has no concept of it. It is p articularly disconcerting that much of the modern renaissance criticism researched for this essay sees no possible contradiction in linking rhetorical evidence to intent; that is to say, they show little evidence of investigating the possible discrepancies between treating objectification as ahistorical and socially contextual, even when they argue for the historically situated nature of identity. One must also consider the fact that theories of objectification interpret and interrogate the text, not the author; that is unless one presumes they are the same thing. To do so, however, commits one to a series of requisite and problematic assumptions. The first of these is the exchange of mimesis for art as an imitation of the author, a shadow of a shadow. Speaking his... Astrophil and Stella to implode under its own contradictions Sidney ensures that its only lasting consequence is the affect it has on the beloved. In the same way Spenser tries to forge a tangible bond between himself and the beloved by rendering them both physically present in the words of Amoretti, Sidney tries to promote his signifiers to signifieds in an effort to exchange â€Å"semiological [intimacy] for sexual desire† (Stephens 93). The difference is that Spenser offers the beloved a shared space while Sidney seeks exclusive control of the courtship. Much like Wyatt tries to have the last word in Whoso List to Hunt, Sidney and Spenser write their sonnets in anticipation of the beloved’s response. As their efforts to adapt her subjectivity show, all three poets recognize the beloved as powerful, but is this the power of a reader or a social and sexual equal?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

crime and punishment Essay -- essays research papers

Critical thought #1 Compare and contrast the philosophies of punishment. In the philosophies of punishment, we have retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, isolation, incapacitation, reintegration, restitution, and restoration. I’ll define these philosophies of punishment. Retribution: It refers to revenge or retaliation for harm or wrong done to another individual. This was an unearthed written code dated back more than 3500 years that clearly spell out a retribution approach by the Archaeologists. â€Å"If a man destroy destroys the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If he breaks a man’s bone, they shall break his bone. If a man knocks out a tooth of a man of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth. Deterrence: This philosophy is made to discourage criminals from committing future crimes. Deterrence include prisons, or execution. If you send a criminal to prison, or executing them, this will discourage the other criminals from committing the same crime. Rehabilitation: In rehabilitation, we provide psychological or educational assistance or job training to offenders to make them less likely to engage in future criminality. This philosophy says that these offenders are human being, no matter what, they are changeable. This means that we could change them from being criminal. Isolation: This philosophy is a very old correctional philosophy that really had served two purposes throughout recorded history. This first is the simple incarceration of people in...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mouse Excercise Essay

Brief: The proposed meeting envisages negotiation between multi parties for setting up an entertainment complex by world’s largest entertainment conglomerate, Mouse Company in Marne-la-Vallee near Paris, France. The National Government recognizes the importance of the project for foreign investment in France and the potential impact on the local economy and wants to move forward with the project. However the local municipalities are worried about the environmental impact the project will have on their local area and the resources need to cope up with expansion of economy. The major issues to be discussed at the proposed meeting include levy of a payroll-based tax, sharing of the tax revenue between four municipalities, levy of annual resource fees on the Mouse Company. Parties: The main parties to the negotiation are Mouse Company and four mayors and SAN has assumed the role of as common representative of all four municipalities. The exercise is expected to develop into two parallel negotiations which may end up to be consolidated at the end of the exercise. Goals: a. The Mouse Company’s goal would be to move forward with the project with minimum business tax and voluntary annual payments. b. The Mayors of Cheesy and Coupvray ‘s goal is to maximize the payroll tax revenue and seek voluntary payments. Instead of sharing their revenue with other municipalities, they would be pushing for voluntary payment by Mouse Company to other municipalities. The Mayors of Bailey and Magny ‘s goal is to seek reasonable share from the revenue earned by Cheesy and Coupvray and also seek voluntary payments from Mouse Company. d. As President of SAN our goal would be find a middle ground to achieve a reasonable resolution between four municipalities and then maximize the payment / tax from Mouse Company Press Release: The proposed project would stimulate the local and national economy of France resulting in millions of people visiting from neighboring states and countries. The press release should clearly reassure the Mouse Company and other international investors that the project would not be adversely impacted by due to internal issues between local municipalities. As president of SAN, we will be working hard to find common ground among four municipalities and work out a deal with the Mouse Company. Business tax: The goal would be to reach an agreement with the Mouse Company to impose a business tax of at least 1% or so in consultation with local communities. Division of Tax Revenue: The goal would be to reach an agreement between four municipalities to share the business tax revenue. As the mayors of Bailly and Magny understands that municipalities of Cheesy and Coupvray would be most impacted, they might be willing to share lower percentage of 10% to 15% each with balance 70% to 80% shared between municipalities of Cheesy and Coupvray. Alternatively, the National Government can impose of a surcharge/tax of 1% to be shared between all four municipalities. Voluntary payment by the Mouse Company to the towns: The Mouse Company should be asked to pay a annual payment of Euro 5 to 7. 5 million to compensate for the impact on environment and resources instead of higher business tax of 1. 5%. The municipalities of Bailey and Magny should get larger share in the voluntary payments.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Common Indoor Air Pollutants Environmental Sciences Essay

Air pollution is an look used to depict the air province when the concentrations of chemicals, particulate affair, or biological agents in the air exceeds the recommended degrees and became a beginning of wellness jeopardy or do uncomfortableness to worlds and other beings, or cause amendss to the populating natural environment. Pollution can be resulted from semisynthetic day-to-day industrial procedures and activities or by the nature. There are many signifiers of pollutants solid atoms, liquid droplets, or gases. Indoor air pollution can be arises from indoor and out-of-door pollutant beginnings. Peoples, particularly pupils, spend about 90 % of their live in sealed controlled environments, EPA ( 2001 ) . These sealed environments may hold pollutant beginnings that could hold short or long effects on residents ‘ wellness, comfort, wellbeing, morale and productiveness. The strength of the effects depends on the degree of the quality of the inside air ( pollution degrees ) . In recent old ages, the issue of indoor air and its quality ( IAQ ) has become an internationally recognized issue that caught the attending of research workers and the residents toward bettering the quality of air inside edifices environments. Fanger ( 2006 ) defines the indoor air quality ( IAQ ) as â€Å" the desire of human to comprehend the air as fresh and pleasant, with no negative impacts on their heath and productiveness † . Many research workers such as Wark and Warner ( 1981 ) and Singh ( 1996 ) investigated discussed the beginnings of the outdoor and the indoor pollution that affect ed the indoor air. They found that the indoor air quality can be influenced by the out-of-door air pollution beginnings such as traffic ; industrial ; building, and burning activities and the indoor beginnings such as airing equipment, trappingss, and human activities. Common Indoor Air Pollutants In this subdivision, the common indoor air quality parametric quantities and its outdoor and indoor beginning in add-on to it is wellness jeopardy on human shall be discussed. The common IAQ parametric quantities consists of three physical parametric quantities ( room temperature, comparative humidness, and air motion ) related to residents ‘ thermal comfort which is defined in the old chapter, eight gaseous contamination parametric quantities ( sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) , nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) , C monoxide ( CO ) , C dioxide ( CO2 ) , formaldehyde ( HCHO ) , radon ( Rn ) , ozone ( O3 ) and hydrocarbons ) and three airborne contaminations parametric quantities, particulates affairs ( PM ) ; bioaerosols ( bacteriums, viruses, Fungis and pollen, aˆÂ ¦etc ) and dusts, In add-on to the treatment of olfactory properties. Sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) This type of pollutant gas has been extensively studied by many research workers around the universe in out-of-doorss environments due to it is high inclination to respond with broad scope of chemicals. SO2 is a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent olfactory property and consequences from the fossil fuels burning. Acid rain is one of the out-of-door pollution job cased by this gas. Indoor SO2 concentrations are normally lower than outdoor, likely around 0.1 ppm, ( Andersen 1972 ; Yocom, 1982 and Meyer, 1983 ) . Due to it inclination to respond with many chemicals, indoor SO2 can respond with edifice stuffs and absorbed by the edifice surfaces ( Andersen 1972 ) . This gas can fade out in H2O and mixes with air in all temperatures. The chief indoor beginnings of SO2 are coal firing inside hearths and utilizing fuel oil ranges and warmers. Sulfur dioxide causes concern, general uncomfortableness, anxiousness, and redness of the respiratory piece of land, wheezing, lung harm, and annoyance of the eyes, nose and pharynx, choking and coughing, ASHRAE ( 2009 ) . Nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) Nitrogen dioxide is caustic gas with acrid olfactory property and formed in outdoor atmosphere from high temperature burning procedures by the reaction of the azotic oxide ( NO ) with Oxygen ( O2 ) and Ozone ( O3 ) . Motor vehicles contribute to about 55 % of the manmade NOx emanations, EPA ( 2008 ) . The major beginnings of this gas in indoors environments are gas cookery ranges and warmer and baccy fume, Samet et al. , ( 1987 ) . In a survey done by Yocom ( 1982 ) among British school kids it was found that pupils whom suffer from reduced respiratory map are populating in houses with gas ranges. Exposure to low degrees of Nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) causes shortness of breath, fatigue, sickness and annoyance to the eyes, nose, pharynx, and lungs ; exposure to high degrees cause rapid combustion, cramps, swelling of tissues in the pharynx and upper respiratory piece of land, reduced oxygenation of organic structure tissues, a build-up of fluid in the lungs, and may take to decease, ( Burgess and Crutchfield, 1995 ; Bascom et Al. 1996 and ASHRAE, 2009 ) . Carbon monoxide ( CO ) CO is a really toxicant asphyxiant and non irritating gas that has no colour, olfactory property or gustatory sensation. This gas produced by the uncomplete burning of carbon-based fuels ( Yocom, 1982 and Meyer, 1983 ) . Vehicular fumes is a major beginning of C monoxide, ( Moolenaar et al. , 1995 ; Girman et al. , 1998 and EPA, 2008 ) . The indoor C monoxide concentrations are frequently higher than the out-of-door concentrations due to the emanation from gas ranges and baccy fume, ( Yocom, 1982 and Girman et al. , 1998 ) . The chief consequence of this gas on human wellness is its affinity for haemoglobin in blood. The inhaled CO mixes with the haemoglobin in the blood and signifiers carboxyhemoglobin that reduces the O transporting capacity of the blood vass. CO is 240 times more efficient at haemoglobin adhering than Oxygen, ASHRAE ( 2009 ) . Exposure to carbon monoxide causes concerns, shortness of breath, musculus achings, chest hurting, particularly in people with old bosom jobs history, blurry vision, giddiness, nausea/vomiting, failing, confusion, weariness, rapid bosom rate at high degrees, fast deep external respiration at high degrees, fainting and decease at high degrees, CPSC ( 2008 ) . Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, asphyxiant nursery gas emitted from the complete burning of the C with Oxygen. The mean typical concentrations of CO2 in the outdoor and indoor ( nonindustrial ) environment are 350-400 ppm, and 400-1200 ppm, severally, ASHRAE ( 2009 ) . The chief beginnings of the indoor CO2 are human organic structure through the metamorphosis procedure ( nutrient ingestion ) , and residents ‘ activity. The wellness jobs associated with C dioxide exposure are concerns, giddiness, restlessness, feeling of an inability to take a breath, unease ( obscure feeling of uncomfortableness ) , increased bosom rate, increased blood force per unit area, ocular deformation, impaired hearing, nausea/vomiting, loss of consciousness, coma, paroxysms, decease from suffocation ( organic structure cells do non acquire the O they need to populate ) , EPA ( 2008 ) . Formaldehyde ( HCHO ) Formaldehyde is a colorless with a strong pungent olfactory property and considered as the most of import substance in the aldehydes group due to it is largely used in the production procedure of many constructing stuffs such as foam insularity, plyboard, rugs, burning contraptions and atom board adhesives which releases once more the methanal to the indoor environment. The typical indoor methanal concentrations range from 0.05 to 1 ppm, where in the new edifices the indoor degrees of the methanal are high, ( Meyer, 1983 ; Samet et al. , 1991 ) and most of the complains were from edifices with formaldehyde froth insularity and nomadic places that uses plyboard panelling, Wadden ( 1983 ) . The rate of diffusion of this substance is a map of the indoor temperature and humidness. Exposing to formaldehyde can do wellness effects include oculus, nose, and pharynx annoyance ; wheezing and coughing ; weariness ; skin roseola ; terrible allergic reactions, EPA ( 2008 ) . High concentrations of methanal may do malignant neoplastic disease and other effects listed under organic gases. Radon ( Rn ) Radon is an inert radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless baronial chemical gas component. Naturally, this component can be found as dirt gas contained Rn formed from the decay merchandise of uranium and can stay as a gas under normal environmental conditions. This contaminant component can be found indoors due to some beginnings such as edifice stuffs particularly that rich with Ra, such as alum shale-based stuff and phosphogypsum drywall, deep Wellss H2O natural gas holding high Rn concentrations. Another chief beginning is the flow of the dirt gas into the places through edifice clefts, sumps and any other gaps or around the concrete slab, Bale ( 1980 ) . Due to tightness of the edifices design, the indoor concentrations are normally higher than that in out-of-door environment. Recently, this component is considered as carcinogen component du to it is radiation, which has a critical wellness jeopardy on edifices residents, where it is considered to be the 2nd most ground of lu ng malignant neoplastic disease after coffin nail smoke, EPA ( 2008 ) . Ozone ( O3 ) Ozone is a really reactive pollutant that can oxidise most of the chemicals in nature such as aldehydes. In natural outdoor environment, Ozone produces from the consequence of the sunshine on the N oxides and hydrocarbons. Normally the Ozone concentrations in the out-of-door environment are higher than that found in indoors. The chief beginnings of the high indoor Ozone concentration are the photocopy machines, optical maser pressmans, electrostatic air cleaners and x-ray generators, ( Yocom, 1982 and Wadden, 1983 ) . These beginnings develop electrostatic Fieldss that can bring forth extremely toxic concentrations of ozone in air. Exposing to low concentration degrees of Ozone can do oculus annoyance, ocular perturbations, concerns, giddiness, oral cavity and pharynx annoyance, thorax hurting, insomnia, breath shortness and coughing ( Sittig, 1991 and Apte et Al. 2007 ) , where exposure to high degrees of ozone can cut down lung map or respiratory jobs, such as asthma or bronchitis, ( Bates, 1989 ; EPA, 2008 and ASHRAE, 2009 ) Hydrocarbons Most of the indoor hydrocarbons beginnings are consequences from the different housework stuffs such as widows, oven, drain, vesture cleaners, pigment dissolver and human usage stuffs such as deodourants, shaving picks, hair sprays and air refreshers sprays. The indoor hydrocarbons degrees reach high degrees when housework is in advancement, Meyer ( 1983 ) . The indoor cookery gas ( largely Propane gas ) is considered besides a major beginning of the indoor hydrocarbons which may consequences in serious fire accidents or decease due to deficient care or checking for the gas burner and cookery equipment, Meyer ( 1983 ) . Particulate affair ( PM ) Particulate affair ( PM ) can be found solid and/or liquid droplets atoms suspended in air. Particulate affair can be generated from adult male made ( fossil fuels burning and mechanical procedures ) or natural ( vents, dust storms, and forest and grassland fires ) , ASHRAE ( 2009 ) . There are many beginnings of the indoor atoms such as pets, gas ranges, and baccy fume. Atoms classified harmonizing to its size as all right atoms are those whose size is smaller than 2.5 I?m and harsh atoms are those which are larger than 2.5 I?m. Heinrich and Slama ( 2007 ) argued that the all right atoms are the major menace beginning that affects the kids wellness, where exposing to ticket atoms can consequences in cardiac and respiratory jobs, ( Dockery et al. , 1993 ; Dockery and Pope, 1994 ; Pope et al. , 2002 ; Wu et al. , 2005 and Gilliland et al. , 2005 ) . The PM metals constituents are a major beginning that involves in the development of pneumonic, cardiovascular and allergic diseases, Sch warze et Al. ( 2006 ) . Exposure to high degrees of all right atoms causes wellness jeopardies such as bosom diseases ; respiratory diseases ; altered lung maps, particularly in kids, and lung malignant neoplastic disease and decease, EPA ( 2008 ) . Bioaerosols Parameters Fungi, viruses, bacteriums, fungous and bacteria spores, pollen and allergens are types of the microbiological indoor particulate contaminations. The major beginnings of these contaminations are human, animate beings and workss and it can be found anyplace these beginnings are available, Meyer ( 1983 ) . Due to the deficient care of the HVAC system parts ( capacitors, chilling spirals, canals and drainage pans ) it can be another beginning of taint by promoting the proliferation of the bugs, ( Wark and Warner, 1981 and Samet et al. , 1991 ) . The concentrations of the indoor bugs are higher than that in the out-of-door environment due to the edifice stringency and the beginning handiness. Dust Dust is one type of the solid particulate contaminations. ASHRAE ( 2009 ) defines dust as â€Å" solid atoms projected into air by natural forces such as air current, volcanic eruption, temblors, or by mechanical procedures including suppression, crunching, destruction, blasting, showing, boring, shoveling and sweeping † . Dust immigrates from exterior to inside environment by infiltration air through the edifice ‘s cleft, uncertain Windowss and doors and through the airing system. Dust has wellness effects on people with ultra-sensitive lungs such as people with asthma, immature kids and aged people. Dust causes uncomfortableness for people and amendss home furniture and family equipment. Olfactory properties Indoor olfactory properties are originating from resident ‘s organic structure and their indoor activities such as smoke, cookery, refuse, sewerage and industrial procedures. The human organic structure usually dissipates around 200 types of chemicals which are responsible for the human olfactory properties, ( Meyer, 1983 ) . Olfactory properties do non hold any major effects on the resident ‘s wellness, but it causes discomfort esthesis to the residents which make it as a mark of the hapless indoor air quality. During this survey, the CO2 contamination will be studied to look into the indoor air quality inside Kuwaiti ‘s schoolrooms. The indoor concentration of C dioxide ( CO2 ) has frequently been used as a alternate for the airing rate per resident, ( Lee and Chang, 1999 and Daisey et al. , 2003 ) , where supplying good airing rates with sufficient sums of fresh air can thin and reduces the concentrations degrees of indoor air pollution generated by the different indoor pollutants beginnings. International and Kuwait Indoor Air Quality Standards and Regulations Since the last decennary, research workers were interested to look into the indoor air pollution for different indoor environments and the contamination beginnings to bespeak the acceptable indoor concentration degrees for these pollutants. As a consequence of these researches, many IAQ criterions and ordinances have been developed and established by different organisations indicates the recommended acceptable concentrations degrees for these indoor pollutants. A sum-up of the common indoor air pollutants criterions in ppm ( unless otherwise specified ) are given in Table 3.1. Since people spend most of their times in indoor environments in edifices, these edifices are expected to be good designed to non endanger the residents ‘ wellbeing and wellness. Residents ‘ have good cognition of the different types of the indoor pollutants and it is wellness jeopardies on human, but there is still one facet which is the quality of the air inside the edifice envelope and whether it is equal or unequal which may non hold a menace to residents ‘ wellness. Due to the energy crisis of the 1970s, tighter edifices designs with low air exchange ( fresh air ) with outside environment have been constructed in order to salvage energy costs. Indoor air recirculation airing scheme has been used for constructing airing intents. Although important energy nest eggs was accomplished, research workers reported residents ‘ complains due to a composite and even disenabling syndromes. These syndromes are recently defined as ill edifice syndrome ( SBS ) and were linked to the pollution of the inside air and the degree of the airing. Unacceptable indoor air quality ( IAQ ) conditions may happen in 30 % of the new edifices ( WHO, 2000 ) and may do diverse symptoms and unwellnesss that affect the residents ‘ wellbeing and consequences to increase residents ‘ productiveness lost and work absenteeism. These symptom syndrome which referred to as SBS, may take to important work clip lost and medical costs that affects the national economic system. The ill edifice syndrome ( SBS ) can be identified by the undermentioned typical symptoms such as concern ; chest stringency ; lethargy ; dry thorax ; stuffy nose ; lost of concentration ; dry tegument ; blocked, runny an scabies olfactory organ and lacrimation or antsy eyes. Constructing ill syndrome ( SBS ) and the edifice related unwellness ( BRI ) are non needfully to be the same, where the BRI symptoms such as disease, coryza and asthma are more acute than SBS symptoms in the edifices, Singh ( 1996 ) . Indoor Air Quality ( IAQ ) in Schools Schools are the most of import indoor environments that kids spend most of their times besides places. It is good documented that IAQ jobs in schools and other edifices types commercial and residential occurred during the 1970s oil episodes. Ventilation in these edifices has decreased to salvage energy by depending on the indoor recycled air inside the occupied zone. Children breathe higher volumes of air relative to their organic structure weights which make them more susceptibleness to some environmental pollutants than grownups, ( Faustman et al. , 2000 and Landrigan, 1998 ) . Poor IAQ in the schoolroom could hold negative impacts on kids ‘s acquisition and public presentation, which may hold both immediate and womb-to-tomb effects, for the pupils and for society ( Mendell and Heath, 2005 ) . Many research workers investigated IAQ jobs in schools around the universe, where these probes were conducted frequently for a specific individual indoor air pollutant or a combination of pollutants ( GAO, 1995 ) . In schools, pollutant emanations can happen in many topographic points within the school envelope such cafeterias, swimming pools, scientific discipline labs ( frequently without fume goons ) and computing machine suites. IAQ jobs can consequences besides from the edifice design, building stuffs, type of the HVAC units and the deficiency of care of these units, and crowded schoolrooms. The undermentioned literature is some illustrations of the surveies conducted in schoolrooms around the universe to look into the effects of the different indoor pollutants on the pupil ‘s wellness and public presentation. The NO2, TVOC, methanal, PM10 and asbestos dust concentrations were measured by Cavallo et Al. ( 1993 ) in 10 of course ventilated schools and seven air-conditioned office edifices in Italy. The findings of this survey suggested that the mean NO2, PM10 and asbestos dust concentrations were the same indoors and out-of-doorss in all schools. The effects of generated pollutants from gas warmers on kids in 41 schoolrooms in Australia were studied by Pilotto et Al. ( 1997 ) . A important relation was found between the indoor NO2 concentration and the absences of the pupils from school. The writers reported that strong grounds was found between the association of NO2 concentration degrees and the pupil ‘s sore pharynx, balls and absences from school even at these low degrees. Lee and Chang ( 2000 ) measured and compared the indoor and out-of-door comparative humidness ( Rh factor ) , CO2, SO2, NO, NO2, PM10, HCHO concentrations and entire bacterium counts in five air-conditioned or of course ventilated schoolrooms in Hong Kong. The purpose of this survey was to look into whether the mensural indoor concentration degrees are complied with the Hong Kong criterion. In a survey by Daisey et Al. ( 2003 ) reviewed and analyzed the literature of the go outing IAQ, airing and indicated the edifice wellness jobs information related to the school edifice. The mensural airing and CO2 concentrations showed that many of the schoolrooms were have unequal airing. They suggested that although degrees of the mensural indoor pollutants concentrations ( HCHO, VOCs and bioaerosols ) were lower than that recommended by criterions and guidelines, exposures to pollutants in schools are associated with allergic reaction, asthma, and SBS symptoms In Denmark, Meyer et Al. ( 2004 ) conduced a cross-sectional epidemiological survey included 1053 school kids aged 13-17 old ages, in 15 school edifices utilizing questionnaire about the edifice related symptoms and wellness facets effects on the pupils exposure some to indoor pollutants. In this survey the room temperature, CO2, comparative humidness degrees were measured, the dust from the floors, air, airing canals during school twenty-four hours were collected and constructing features including mold infestation were assessed. The writers reported there is no positive association between building-related symptoms and the wet of the air and growing of casts in the school edifices. The writers concluded that cast exposure is secondary beginning and non a chief beginning to either asthma, hay febrility, recent air passage infection, or psychosocial factors. A field survey included 358 pupils in traditional and portable mechanical ventilated schoolrooms in 22 primary and secondary schools conducted by Shendell et Al. ( 2004 ) to look into the consequence of the difference between the outdoor and indoor CO2 concentrations and the pupil absence in Washington and Idaho, USA. The short-run CO2 concentrations were higher in more than half of the schoolrooms. The writers found that a 1000 ppm addition in the dCO2 will diminish the one-year mean day-to-day attending of the pupils by 0.5-0.9 % , matching to relative10-20 % addition in the pupil ‘s absence. In a critical scientific reappraisal about the grounds for the direct association of the indoor pollutants and thermic conditions on the pupils ‘ public presentation and attending in schools, Mendell and Heath ( 2004 ) concluded that exposing to indoor microbic and chemical pollutants beginnings in schools can be linked to increased school absenteeism, asthma, and allergic reaction in kids and grownups. In eight schools edifices in France, which were either of course or automatically ventilated, Blondeau et Al. ( 2005 ) carried out a field survey to mensurate the outdoor and indoor pollution in these edifice. In this field study the writers continuously monitored the outdoor and indoor gaseous pollutants ( Ozone, NO and NO2 ) , and airborne atom pollutants in add-on to the indoor humidness, temperature, CO2 concentration for two 2-week periods. The findings of this survey shows an acceptable No and NO2 outdoor/indoor concentrations ratio, where the outdoor/indoor Ozone concentrations ratio was high and was affected by the out-of-door environment. Writers argued reported that â€Å" the more air-tight the edifice envelope, the lower the Ozone ratio occurred † . They besides found the tenancy is strongly influences the indoor concentration degree of the mensural airborne atoms when the edifices were occupied. In parallel categories of 10-year-old kids, Wargocki et Al. ( 2005 ) studied and measured the impact of the IAQ by increased airing on the kids ‘s larning public presentation. In appropriate lessons each hebdomad, the kids ‘s usual instructors administered parallel public presentation from reading to mathematics undertakings were administrated by instructors to the kids during a school hebdomad period. The writers found that if the airing rate increased from 5 to 10 l/s, a important betterment by ore than 15 % in the public presentation of school work is achieved. In a field survey conducted in 64 simple and in-between school schoolrooms in Michigan, USA, Godwin and Batterman ( 2007 ) , monitored and examined the Indoor air quality ( IAQ ) parametric quantities to measure the degrees of different indoor pollutants ( CO2, VOCs and bioaerosols ) , the emanation beginnings, comparative humidness, temperature and the airing rates over one school hebdomad. During this survey the writers completed a comprehensive and the measurings were used to look into the differences in air quality degree within and between schools. It was found that in many of the tested schoolrooms the CO2 concentrations are higher than the standard degree ( 1000 ppm ) which indicates unequal airing rates, where the degrees of the mensural indoor pollutants were low to chair concentrations. Ventilation Ratess and Energy Consumption in School Ventilation procedure is supplying sums of out-of-door air ( fresh air ) from the outside environment to the inside infinites or zones via flow through of course agencies ( unfastened doors and window ) or automatically agencies ( fans and HVAC systems ) or by infiltration through the edifice clefts. The chief thought of the airing procedure is to supply the comfort and wellness conditions of the residents by equilibrating the thermic comfort conditions and thining the concentrations of the indoor pollutants within the occupied zone envelope. The ingestion of the energy in the airing procedure in edifices is due to the usage the automatically ventilation systems to thermally conditioning the airing air by chilling, warming, dehumidification or humidification procedures or utilizing airing fans. The capacity of the energy ingestion by these systems is relative straight to the addition of the sum of the airing air needed. The airing procedure is guided by the international criterions and ordinances such as ASHRAE 62 criterion by stipulating the minimal airing rates that can run into the resident ‘s comfort and wellness conditions to keep their public presentation and productiveness, while salvaging the energy used. Due to Kuwait clime is characterized as hot and dry desert clime, the usage of the HVAC systems is indispensable in all edifice most of the twelvemonth. Air-conditioning in Kuwait consumes 45 % of the one-year energy production ( 21 G.kWh ) with one-year cost of about KD 0.7 billion, ( MEW-R6, 2010 and MEW, 2010 ) . In Kuwait there is 540 school edifices consists of 14426 schoolrooms occupied by 360634 pupils with an mean ratio of 25 pupils per schoolroom, MOE ( 2009 ) . The figure of schools is subjected to be increase by 10 % annually, MOE ( 2009 ) . Since the beginning of 1990 ‘s, the school edifices in Kuwait were extensively constructed or renovated. Air-conditioning systems were installed in those edifices to supply comfy thermic and wellness conditions. The control of those systems is non under the direct control of the pupils, and this may hold a negative consequence on the pupil comfort and wellness in the schoolroom. These schools consume about 10 % of the state one-year energy production ( 2.1 G.kWh per twelvemonth ) costs about KD 60 1000000s with a day-to-day rate of 16 kWh per pupil and one-year addition of 5 % , MEW ( 2009 ) . The ASHRAE criterion 62 ( 2004 ) for airing demands is considered by MEW-R6 ( 2010 ) codification for the different types of edifices and infinites. Harmonizing to this criterion a minimal airing rate of 7.5 L/s ( 15 ft3/min ) per resident in schoolrooms is recommended with a typical occupant denseness of 33 individuals per 90 M2 ( 1000 ft2 ) and ceiling tallness of 3 m ( 10 foot ) . The current ASHRAE criterion would necessitate an air exchange rate of about 3 air alteration per hr ( ACH ) for schoolroom. Sing to the air alteration rates in hr, the ministry of electricity and H2O recommended an air alteration of 0.5 ACH for schoolrooms for energy economy demands, MEW-R6 ( 2010 ) . The indoor air quality conditions in schoolrooms have to be earnestly considered because pupils are still physically developing, where hapless indoor air quality conditions could impact the pupils ‘ and staff ‘s comfort, wellness and may indirectly impact their acquisition and public presentation and productiveness – this may hold damaging effects on them and the society ‘s hereafter. Ventilation rates and Student ‘s Performance and Productivity Through the literature there are few surveies conducted to look into the consequence of the different airing rates on the pupil ‘s and staff ‘s school work public presentation and productiveness in schoolrooms. Myhrvold and Olesen ( 1997 ) conducted a field survey in 35 Norse schoolrooms to mensurate the pupils ‘ concentration by mensurating their reaction times with different airing rates. They found that by increasing the airing rate per individual from 4 L/s to 12 L/s, the pupils ‘ reaction times were 5.4 % less ( i.e. faster ) . In three public presentation trials used by Ito et Al. ( 2006 ) and Murakami et Al. ( 2006 ) in Nipponese schoolrooms, research workers found that with an addition in airing rate from 0.6-5 L/s the public presentation was improved 5.4 % ; 8.7 % and 5.8 % severally. Wargocki and Wyon ( 2006 ; 2007a and B ) investigated the impact of increasing the airing rate on the public presentation of 10 old ages old school kids with analogue of public presentation undertakings. The writers found that increasing the airing rate from 5 to 10 L/s, the school work public presentation will improved by 15 % and do a noticeable kids ‘s school public presentation and acquisition. In two UK schoolrooms, it was found that the students ‘ work rate increased by 7 % in the mathematical trials of add-on and minus by increasing the supplied fresh air from 0.3-5 to 13-16 L/s, ( Bako-Biro et Al, 2007 ) . Discussion Through the presentation of the indoor air quality literature reappraisal in this chapter, it can be shown that the importance of look intoing quality of the indoor air in the different occupied zones, particularly schoolrooms in schools, to bespeak the pollution beginnings and the degree of the different pollutants that may happen in schoolrooms. The necessity to regularly look into the indoor air quality inside the schoolrooms is due to the high denseness of pupils in schoolrooms and the long period of exposure for the different pollutants beginnings which may earnestly impact the pupil ‘s and staff ‘s comfort and wellness and consequences in serious wellness jobs that can increase the absence from school and increases the public presentation and productiveness losingss. These attendant wellness jobs can impact the national economic system by increasing the national wellness attention disbursals and lost disbursals due to the loss public presentation and productiveness in schools. Investigating the indoor air quality conditions inside schoolrooms is an expensive and potentially debatable issue because it is a map of different factors such as the edifice stuffs, equipment, furniture and HVAC systems where all of them are changing as a map of clip exposure and airing. The rate of airing inside any occupied zone can be a step for the quality of the indoor air. The adequately airing rate can be an index for inside environment, where during the literature many research workers reported that inadequate ( low ) airing rate indicates hapless indoor air quality and frailty versa. During this survey, the airing rates measurings inside the schoolrooms can be inferred by the C dioxide measurings, where the indoor concentration of C dioxide ( CO2 ) has frequently been used as a alternate for the airing rate per resident, including in schools. Lee and Chang ( 1999 ) and Daisey et Al. ( 2003 ) stated that the